Player Radio Icecast / Shoutcast


créer une webradio
Creating a web radio is not just a passing trend. It is also a differentiating communication medium for businesses, associations, communities, as well as schools. Moreover, according to the results of studies published by Médiamétrie, radio remains the most appreciated media by the French.

Indeed, television and print media are losing the trust of their customers to FM stations. This relationship with radio is gradually extending to those that are broadcast online, thanks in particular to the appearance of web radios specialized in specific themes, or operating at the local level. Creating a web radio can therefore prove to be a profitable strategy in many situations.

When to create a web radio?

why create a radio

There are a thousand and one reasons to create a web radio. Out of passion, to communicate a message or simply to fulfill a dream of being on the radio. However, it is important to take several elements into account before embarking on the creation of an online radio.

Firstly, to create a quality web radio, equipment must be carefully selected. The investment requires at least one good microphone per host, a boom arm for each microphone, a mixer and a computer with a reliable internet connection and quality sound card.

Then comes the choice of the web radio host. When you decide to create a web radio, this decision is strategic because the continuity of your stream depends on this provider. They offer systems to create your program schedule and above all, they provide you with their servers to broadcast your radio online on your own website or blog, or on a web page they provide for you.

Their prices vary depending on the quality of the servers used, the protection and security systems, redundancy, and additional services offered. Therefore, you need to compare the audio quality in Kbps, the storage space for your files, and the number of simultaneous listeners (total number of internet users connected to your web radio at any given time), being careful not to be limited in bandwidth, or risk being blocked before the end of the month.

When creating a web radio, besides the financial investment, one must also measure the personal investment and allocate enough time for the project. Furthermore, running a quality 2.0 radio station alone is close to mission impossible. Knowing how to surround yourself with competent collaborators is one of the essential conditions for success.

Communicating with a web radio

communication webradio

There are several cases where one can create a webradio to communicate. The reasons for this choice are common. Firstly, it is a system that is easy to set up and with a limited budget. In addition, online radio can be broadcast and listened to anywhere in the world, on all devices connected to the internet: televisions, computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Here are some examples of using e-radio

For businesses, internally:

In recent years, the creation of webradios has been more integrated into the internal communication strategy of large companies. Managers have chosen to support their brand identity and corporate spirit, especially in companies that have multiple workplaces scattered across several regions or countries. Chronicles are specifically produced to present news, internal events, and, most importantly, to defuse any conflicts or rumors.

webradio entreprise

For businesses towards their clients:

Some sectors, such as the automobile industry, have integrated this technological advance into their products. Thus, several manufacturers have produced car radios that capture internet radios. That's why they have created a webradio in the image of their company, which their customers can receive in their car.

On the other hand, commercial channels are fond of online radio because it allows them to broadcast the same program in all points of sale, create their own advertising spots, and avoid the diffusion of competitors' advertisements in the background of their store.

webradio associative

For associations:

Associations put all the means in place to bring as many people as possible to their cause. Whether it is a sports, leisure, or charity association, the goal is the same and creating a web radio is a good way to bridge the distance between them and their future members or supporters.

For communities and enthusiasts:

Online radios are often themed. On the one hand, there are music enthusiasts and a particular musical style. It is then about sharing the passion that the creator of the e-radio has for a genre with their loyal listeners but also with all those who are interested in it like them. And on the other hand, cultural and ethnic communities.

Indeed, many people find themselves forced to move to a long distance. Whether it's for professional reasons, romantic relationships, or simply for a better life. Creating a web radio is a good way for these people to feel surrounded by their culture even thousands of kilometers away. In addition, this medium is also a good way to promote this community worldwide.

webradio lycéenne

For municipalities and high schools:

In the public service, too, we are interested in the phenomenon of online radio. On the one hand, municipalities use it to communicate with their citizens. It turns out that this tool is a good way to attach residents to their city or village, to create a community, and to revive life. Generally, this 2.0 radio is available on the town hall's website.

Furthermore, creating a web radio has become a school project for many French and foreign high schools. Thus, teachers offer this experience to their students so that they develop skills in French, push their thinking, learn to honor their responsibilities in this project, and also feel more comfortable speaking orally. Web radio is also a good way for French teachers abroad to help their students learn and practice the language of Molière in a more playful setting.

promouvoir une webradio

Promoting your webradio

Creating a webradio is only the first step in a sustainable project. Once the programming is in place, it is imperative to obtain listeners and to continue to gain and retain them regularly. Achieving these objectives is not easy: it is therefore necessary to develop a strategy to promote your online radio. To begin with, it is interesting to talk about the project around you and ask your friends and acquaintances to listen to it, but also to take into account their comments and suggestions.

The use of social networks and community animation in parallel is a good way to retain the first listeners. Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus should have no more secrets for you. Stimulate interest, sharing, and interactivity to capture as much attention as possible.

Another interesting action when creating a webradio is to establish partnerships, even if they are not commercial. Indeed, this allows you to be known through other channels and to reach people who are not part of your main network.

Referencing your radio on the internet is a particularly important step. There are many directories of webradios that offer a wide range of different musical styles and attract a considerable number of listeners. In addition to these registrations, it is also interesting to consider the option of natural referencing, on the advice of a web agency.

In addition to these steps, there are all the classic and original promotional actions that you can imagine.
écouter une webradio

What web radio to listen to?

On the web, it often happens that we search without always knowing what we want to find. The thousands of e-radios available on the web allow everyone to be satisfied regardless of the musical style or type of program they like to listen to.

And for those who have chosen to create a web radio, this allows them to spy on the competition discreetly. Obviously, plagiarism and copying are not an option, but getting inspired by good ideas can be very useful for improvement.

Directories are always organized according to the theme of the radio and allow you to find a corresponding one easily. Since the launch of set-top boxes, users can also access listings of web radios on their televisions.

hébergement de webradio

Choosing a web radio host

Choosing a streaming radio host is a strategic decision when creating a web radio. Several points are to be watched to ensure the quality of the services offered:
  • ease of use;
  • continuity of the stream;
  • number of simultaneous listeners;
  • storage;
  • customer service;
  • the possibility of broadcasting in playlist and/or live;
  • backup in case of server failure
  • and obviously the price.

Some offer limited trial offers for a symbolic contribution. Do not hesitate to contact the customer service of the provider you are interested in to get a better idea of what they have to offer. In addition, these specialists provide good advice when embarking on this new radio adventure.


Programming management platform

A programming management platform allows you to plan and manage the broadcast of your web radio. This allows you to schedule shows, segments, and advertisements in advance to ensure a quality programming schedule. Some web radio hosts offer simple and intuitive management platforms that allow you to manage your programming with just a few clicks. It's important to choose a management platform that meets the needs of your web radio in terms of functionality and user-friendliness.

Audience analysis

Like any website, it's important to track the audience of your web radio to measure its popularity and adjust your promotional strategy. Some web radio hosts offer audience analysis tools to determine the number of listeners, their geographic location, average listening time, etc. This data allows you to better understand your audience and make necessary decisions to improve your programming.

Technical support

Creating and managing a web radio can be complicated, especially for those who are not familiar with technology. It's important to choose a web radio host that offers competent and responsive technical support, capable of quickly answering questions and resolving technical issues if they arise.

Applications mobiles

application mobile webradio

La part de personnes équipées d'un smartphone continue de grimper, tout comme celle des ménages équipés d'une tablette. C'est pourquoi créer une webradio avec une application mobile radio est un atout considérable pour attirer les auditeurs. D'ailleurs toutes les radios FM en proposent une, connectée à leur radio sur internet. L'internaute est donc en mesure d'écouter sa radio 2.0 préférée partout, à tout moment, dès l'instant où il dispose d'une connexion internet.

C'est en Afrique que ce phénomène est le plus intéressant. En effet, la webradio est utilisée par les populations pour favoriser la liberté d'expression et les connexions à internet se font en grande partie sur les téléphones portables.

Player universel

player webradio universel

Le lecteur reflète l'image de la radio en ligne, il est tout aussi important que logo, et se doit donc d'être soigné. Il a une importance primordiale au moment où on commence à créer une webradio et à communiquer autour. C'est pour cette raison que Vesta Player a développé la solution la plus pointue du marché en axant ses efforts sur l'extrême personnalisation, le confort visuel des utilisateurs, l'adaptabilité aux différents supports, pour un tarif défiant tout concurrence.

Site radio

site radio responsive

Le site radio est un website dédié à une radio sur internet. Les hébergeurs de streaming audio proposent généralement une solution en option afin de créer un site personnalisable. Le player audio y est intégré, des modules complémentaires sont mis à disposition. Il y a par exemple les dédicaces, les vidéos, les tchats, les réseaux sociaux, ou encore les actualités de la e-radio. Tout est fait pour simplifier le fait de créer une webradio sans aucunes connaissances.

Chroniques radio

Chroniques webradio

Lorsqu'on évoque les chroniques radiophoniques, on pense immédiatement aux informations, ou à la météo. Ce sont les plus connues, et surtout les plus diffusées. De nombreuses radios en ligne les diffusent chaque heure. Créer une webradio, c'est aussi chercher du contenu audio à diffuser, qui puisse intéresser les auditeurs. C'est pourquoi Vestaradio met à disposition de ses clients gratuitement plus de quinze chroniques radio professionnelles. Différents thèmes sont abordés : le sport, la cuisine, l'automobile, l'actualité télévisuelle et cinématographique ou encore l'astrologie et le web, pour ne citer que ceux-ci.

Logiciel de direct

Logiciel de direct

La prise de direct peut sembler complexe pour celui qui vient de créer une webradio et qui n'a aucune expérience en la matière. Il existe plusieurs logiciels afin de s'en accommoder plus simplement et notamment Vestalive 2. Développé par les ingénieurs de Vestaradio, ce logiciel de direct a été conçu en gardant à l'esprit que l'utilisateur, qu'il soit novice ou confirmé, doit pouvoir accéder facilement à toutes les options et subtilités qui lui permettront de réussir son émission en direct.

Créateur de site internet Mr